Monday, April 20, 2009

Every party has a pooper

So after throwing myself a little pity party last night I woke up this morning and decided to stop whining and start doing. I went grocery shopping with the husband and bought a whole bunch of delicious fresh produce (fava beans, grapefruit, apples, asparagus, white mushrooms, sweet potatoes, carrots...yum!) and we planned a menu for the week. I went to the gym with my workout group and ran hard on the treadmill and then did some ab work. So I'm feeling better about the weight/health issue.

The weather is still sucky but I can't change that. My friends are all still students but I'm going to try to meet up with at least two of them each week be it for a quick cup of coffee or a shopping trip. I'm still going to be spending my days alone but I think I'm going to try to venture into the community a little more, find some actual volunteer work (screw you, Field Museum!) and hopefully things will perk up.

So today I say hooray for party poopers, especially when they're pooping self-pity parties. :)

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